Latest News
Youth Winter Ski Retreat
Join us for fun and fellowship at Beech Mountain Ski Resort during Winter Break, February 17-20, 2025. This is a great time to get away and grow as a youth group, so make plans now to join us! “Read more” to register.
Ladies Bible Study
Ladies Bible Study meets each Tuesday at 5:30 pm from January 7-March 25. The current study is of the book "Jeremiah--Daring to Hope in an Unstable World." The book may be purchased from Amazon. Or, if you need for the church to get it for you, please email Katie or...
Ladies, join us for Purses in the Pew
Monday, January 27 at 11:00 am, our speaker will be Canagela Boyd-Robertson, Liturgical Artist, Trinity Baptist Conyers. Reservations are appreciated for name tags; reservations are required for lunch ($8). “Read more” to sign up.
Help With Feeding Our Friends
As Feeding Our Friends gets back to a new normal routine, we are excited to enlist others to help with our various teams. There are numerous ways to serve, even for those who work. If you have time available, we invite you to join our ministry by filling out this...
Senior Adult Breakfast at Town and Country
Senior adults, join us every second and fourth Wednesday of the month at 9:00 am at Town and Country Restaurant (8 Franklin Road). No need to make reservations. Just show up and enjoy the fellowship of your peers!
Want to Volunteer with our Children and Youth?
We’re always in need of volunteers for our children’s programs. “Read more” for additional information.