Adult Ministry
Sunday School
One of the most important adult ministries of the church is Sunday School classes for grownups of all ages (Adult Sunday School Class Descriptions). The photos are just two of the eight available adult classes.
Beyond these, there are separate Bible study groups on varying schedules for men and women. Also for women, “Purses in the Pew” is very popular. Each of these meetings features a special guest speaker and includes lunch. Members of the Needlepoint Guild work on projects for the church.
Adults 50+
For adults 50 years of age and better, a committee of peers plans retreats, day trips, extended trips and special programs to help minister and enrich lives.
This is a very active and caring group of individuals who are just a lot of fun to be around. There is a place for you in the Adult 50+ group as long as you’re past fifty.
An ongoing activity is to meet for breakfast each second and fourth Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. at the Town and Country Restaurant.
Travel is of great interest to members of this group, both within Georgia and to other places. The photo is the group that rode the train overnight from Chicago to Glacier National Park, then enjoyed five days in the park. In October 2022, a number of participants took a river cruise in Europe, including a visit to Normandy.
Women’s Ministry
Purses in the Pew
The women of Central Baptist Church have always been mission-minded. From the years of The Women’s Missionary Union, to several years of Women on Mission, and now Purses in the Pew, our church women have been led by the Spirit of God to generously share the gospel in Newnan, our state, our country, and abroad through their resources. Although Purses in the Pew started out as a hopeful “revival” of missions education for the women of our church, this fellowship has evolved into a group of women sharing one another’s struggles and joys. God’s Spirit has moved richly among this group of women. They have met, identified with, and prayed for so many women in ministry. They have prayed for one another. They have given very generously to support women through missions.
All sessions are at 11:00 am on the fourth Monday of each month from September – May.
Ruth Drake Bible Study
The Ruth Drake Bible study is a group of women who come together to study the word of God, pray together, and fellowship. This group works together to decide each year what they would like to study. This group meets on Tuesday at 1:15 pm from September – April. Please call the church office or email Katie Faison at if you would like more information about this bible study.
Lavinia Barron Book Group
Formed in the mid-nineties, the Lavinia Barron Book Group meets at 7:15 pm on the second Monday of each month in members’ homes. Both religious and secular topics in literature are chosen and discussed. Women of all ages are welcome. Please contact Katie Brady at for more details about the next meeting!