Music Ministry

Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before God with thanksgiving and extol the Lord with music and song.

— Psalm 95:1-2

Chancel Choir

The Chancel Choir is led by Ronnie Oliver, Associate Pastor of Music & Worship, with Julia Huster as pianist and Henry Lee as organist.

The choir is comprised of volunteer members who faithfully rehearse, fellowship, and minister in the 10:55 am service. Chancel Choir members serve as soloists for the 8:45 a.m. Sunday service. Ensembles from the Chancel Choir rehearse and serve for special worship occasions.

Anthem and instrumental literature is diverse, incorporating traditional hymns, classical selections, gospel song arrangements, and newly composed songs.

The Chancel Choir offers special music during the Easter and Christmas seasons. The Festival of Lessons and Carols on Christmas Eve is a very special service of music and scripture, a long-standing tradition at Central Baptist Church.

Choir members take part in an annual composer workshop. In October 2024 they presented a concert at the world-famous Spivey Hall (photo below) on the Campus of Clayton State University. Previously, they sang at Carnegie Hall in New York City.

Music Friends Choir

The Music Friends Choir is comprised of children ages 3-Kindergarten. Choir time is full of musical learning activities, movement, playing instruments and singing.

Music Makers Choir

The Music Makers Choir learns about hymns, scripture, and musical symbols. They play Orff and rhythm instruments.

Young Musicians Choir

The Young Musicians Choir rehearses anthem literature, develops musical skills through activities and playing instruments, and participates in worship frequently.

Newnan Community Youth Choir

The Newnan Community Youth Choir is established to provide 6th- through 12th-grade students in Coweta County the opportunity to collaborate together in excellent music-making. Through the process of practicing and performing choral music, NCYC helps foster the personal, musical, and social growth of each young person, promoting integrity, self-discipline, and community involvement. NCYC rehearses on Sundays at 5pm beginning in August and through May.

Handbell Choir

The Handbell Choir is comprised of those ranging from high school to adult. The choir rehearses Level 2-4 repertoire and plays quarterly in worship.